Welcome to the Kreuzberg!
The “Holy Mountain of Franconia”
In the scenic Rhön Mountains
Warm welcome…

As a place of pilgrimage, the Kreuzberg has a centuries-old tradition that earned it the nickname “Holy Mountain of the Franconians”. However, the construction of the Franciscan monastery did not begin until 1677. Actually, so the legend goes, it was supposed to be built in a completely different place, but the stones, which were brought to the intended place day after day, inexplicably found themselves on the Kreuzberg overnight. So the monastery was built on the Kreuzberg and completed in 1692. The monastery has had its own brewery since 1731. The famous Kreuzberg beer is brewed here. Yes, even then the Franciscans knew what is good. A stop at the monastery tavern is highly recommended.
Today the brothers look after the pilgrimage church. Its tasks include the pastoral care of pilgrims and the celebration of church services on the Kreuzberg.
The brewery and the entire guest operations are in the hands of Franziskaner Klosterbetriebe GmbH

The house community
Korbinian Klinger
Chaplain and Guardian of the House
Email: korbinian.klinger@franziskaner.de
Georg Andlinger
Chaplain and Deputy Guardian E-mail: georg.andlinger@franziskaner.de
Ludwig Kiesl
Norbert Stumpf
Othmar Brüggemann
Community of the Franciscans on the Kreuzberg

Regular church services
9:00 a.m. Holy Mass
Every first Friday of the month (Sacred Heart Friday) after Holy Mass. Mass silent Eucharistic Adoration until 10 am.
On Sundays and public holidays
9:00 a.m. Holy Mass
11:00 a.m. Holy Mass industrial fair
Logotherapeutic life counseling and existential analysis support
When the meaning of life becomes questionable …
With Brother Othmar Brüggemann OFM
Flyer, dates: Email: othmar60@web.de, Phone: 09772 / 9124- 12
Franziskuskreis – Open discussion group
usually every 14 days on Monday, in the Bruder Franz Haus; dates: 02.12.; 16.12; 13.01.2025; 27.01.; 10.02.; 24.02.; – Eucharist seminar -; 28.04.; 12.05.
Flyer, information: Email: othmar60@web.de, Phone: 09772 / 9124- 12
be-Sinn-zeiten at the beginning of the year on the Kreuzberg
The two seminars will be offered on January 17 – 19 and February 14 – 16, 2025. Facilitators: Brother Othmar Brüggemann ofm, pastor, logotherapist and existential analyst and H. Wolfgang Brinkel, qualified social pedagogue, trainer, coach, master coach.
Flyer, information and registration: Email: othmar60@web.de, Tel.: 09772 / 9124- 12
offer of confession
weekdays after St. Mass at 9 a.m.
Saturday 3 p.m.
Sunday 8.30am and 10.30am
You are also welcome to arrange an individual appointment for a confession with P. Korbinian: 09772 912414
care of the pilgrims
Registration and information:
Kloster Kreuzberg
Kreuzberg 2
97653 Bischofsheim / Rhön
Tel. 09772 / 9124-0
Opening hours of
Monastery church and candle chapel/worship room
from April to October
8 am 3 pm to 8 pm
from November to March
8 am 3 pm to 6 pm
Phone: 09772 / 91 24-0
E-mail: kreuzberg@franziskaner.de

Franziskaner Klosterbetriebe GmbH
Kreuzberg 2
97653 Bischofsheim
Phone: +49 (0) 9772 9124 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9772 9124 43